Making sense of the Singapore dream

A printed fold-out map and accompanying data visualisations of public housing data in Singapore

Making sense of the Singapore dream



Project type:

Printed materials


Editorial writing
Data visualisation
Social media
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There is a lot of available public data on housing. We used that to investigate the accessibility of housing policies in Singapore, and what it tells us about rootedness, inequality, and privilege in the country.
Making sense of the Singapore dream

About the project

For its first print issue, Jom invited Kontinentalist to contribute to its housing section, using our signature data-led and visual storytelling approach. We wanted to expand on our previous work on the affordability of public housing in Singapore.

The challenge

Our challenge was to visualise a large amount of data with transparency and nuance, while presenting deep insights and inviting reflection on the larger questions the data was pointing to. Being a printed project, we also needed to ensure accuracy and longevity of the content.
Making sense of the Singapore dream
Making sense of the Singapore dream

Our creative solution

Building on Jom’s proposal to create a map insert, we decided on a four-fold pull-out section with a map and secondary data visualisations to tease out the various issues for the reader. The insert, in “Barbie Dreamhouse-pink”, combined poetry, typography, visualisations, and text to create a holistic concept that would spark reflection about Singapore’s housing policies.

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