Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Vietnam

A 3-part infographic highlighting the financial and political cost of Vietnam’s transition to green energy.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Vietnam


Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Project type:



Data visualisation
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Just energy transition partnerships exist to support countries in their shift to green energy. However, in Vietnam this has manifested in the form of a project that is underfunded, unfair, and wrapped up in high political costs
Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Vietnam

About the project

A set of static but informative digital visuals to accompany Heinrich Böll Stiftung’s research paper on Just Energy Transition Partnerships.

The challenge

Scarce and incomplete data

Most of the data for these visuals were obtained manually and were subjected to rigorous fact-checking. Because data was scarce, we had to experiment with visualisation types to ensure we were not ignoring data gaps or falsely minimising issues due to a lack of information. Hence, selecting the right type of visualisation was important in ensuring that the main data points were visible

Maximising visual real estate

There was also a lot of information to include in these infographics, which could easily muddy the direction and message. We had to ensure that each part contains only one clear message that is well supported by the design of the visualisations.
Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in Vietnam

Our creative solution

As each part of the infographic had a different focus, within each one we focused on finding the best design solution for the data. In total, we utilised a mix of small multiples, timelines, cards, treemaps, and zoomed-in views for small data points, and tied them all together using a consistent colour palette and layout. 

Our partners

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung is a German political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party. It maintains a world­ wide network with currently 30 international offices aimed at fostering democracy and upholding human rights.

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